Round Table India stream media, piecing together current information on society, politics and policy of interest to the Dalit-Bahujan world.

When others interpret the world for you, can you change it? Both the mainstream and so-called alternative media in India are controlled by the same social forces. Ambedkar had once observed, into the ‘Dalit problem’. It has consistently promoted the project of twisting the ‘Hindu problem’, as Dr.

Round Table India recognizes that Indian media has played a significant role in helping the dominant social forces ‘deny the existence’ of untouchability and caste and ‘repudiate their responsibility’ in building and maintaining an unjust social order. As a news and information portal, Round Table India aims to focus on the twin objectives of generating information and interaction necessary to aid, in howsoever small way, the progress of the Dalits, and the Bahujan community at large, in their efforts to realize those ideals, to work for an informed Ambedkar Age. Round Table India believes this is the Ambedkar Age, the age of rising and working towards reshaping society in the light of the Ambedkarite ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. But if the Untouchables rise and ask for recognition, he is prepared to deny their existence, repudiate his responsibility and refuse to share his power without feeling any compunction or remorse.’ Whether they are thousands or millions of them, he does not care to bother. ‘If the Untouchables make no noise, the Hindu feels no shame for their condition and is quite indifferent as to their numbers.